The PaymentCloud Blog

Our merchants are important to us, that’s why we go out of our way to educate and inform them on the ins and outs of the payment processing industry. We understand merchant services can be a confusing space for new businesses (and old companies too!). So please continue reading for an insightful blog on the industries we serve best.

Top Content

Reviewing our top content is the best place to begin when navigating business ownership for high risk, mid risk, and low risk businesses. Here, we strive to inform and give you the tools to grow your business- No matter if you’re a small company or a large enterprise.

What Is a High-Risk Merchant Account?

Top 10 Online Shopping Cart Solutions

How to Get the Cheapest Credit Card Processing & Lower Fees

Using Venmo for Business: Is It a Good Idea?

What is an FFL and How Can You Get a Federal Firearm License?

The Complete List of ACH Return Codes



Where To Start

Still figuring out where to start? We can help. If you’re just beginning a business, you may be wondering how to set yourself up for success. Well, we have tailored information to help you with your business plan, marketing initiatives, and go to market strategy.

What Are Merchant Services?

How to Accept Payments

What Is a Merchant Account?

Which Credit Card Reader is Right For You?

The Ultimate Guide to eCheck Payment Processing

How to Start a Business in 2024: 12 Steps to Success



Can You Dispute A Zelle Payment? Understanding Zelle Chargebacks

While Zelle’s popularity has skyrocketed to place it up with the top peer-to-peer payment providers for businesses, it doesn’t come without its flaws. One of…

A customer disputing a zelle payment in front of a yellow background.

Merchant Account Fraud & Scams: A Guide for Businesses

Our world revolves around—and is increasingly reliant on—digital payment processing solutions to facilitate business transactions. The trade-off for the convenience and ubiquity of eCommerce, however,…

Digital keyboard lit up with the word fraud to represent a merchant services scam.

8 Best Email Services for Small Businesses: Which Is Right for You?

With more than 300 billion emails sent and received worldwide every day, there's no doubt that email is a critical tool in many of our…

A layout example for a business email service

Navigating a CBD Certificate of Analysis (COA)

Starting a CBD business requires a few key elements, and one of them is a Certificate of Analysis to pass inspections and comply with regulations…

A cbd certificate of analysis on an easel in a baby blue colored room.

What Is Plaid and Is It Safe? What You Need to Know

Plaid is an online technology platform that seamlessly shares your financial data with trusted apps, websites, and banking services. The powerful data-transferring application makes it…

A lock with a wooden person questioning is plaid safe.

Understanding Zelle Taxes: What Makes It Different From Other Apps?

Peer-to-peer transactions have significantly changed the way we do business, with a range of new fintech tools aiding businesses and shoppers around the world. Payment…

A calculator, glasses and money used to do zelle taxes.

Zelle vs Paypal for Business: Which Is Better?

From payment method limitations to high fees that eat into profits, choosing the right (or wrong) payment platform can make or break your business. Big-wig…

A customer paying a merchant who started comparing zelle vs paypal.

BTOT Dep Bankcard: What Does It Mean Exactly?

The complexities of payment processing can even baffle the most brainy bankers. Confusing terms and acronyms can clutter your business's bank statement, but signify crucial…

Three deposit slips for BTOT DEP.

Lockbox Banking Explained: Everything You Need to Know

The average American writes fewer checks, but business barons continue the accounting tradition with rental receipts, banking bills, and countersigned contracts. Larger businesses use lockbox…

A lock and key for locbox banking on top of a baby blue background.

How to Send an Electronic Check: Step-by-Step Guide

Ever since 2004, when the US officially adopted electronic checks with the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (or Check 21), traditional checks have…

a check ready to be sent online
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