The PaymentCloud Blog

Our merchants are important to us, that’s why we go out of our way to educate and inform them on the ins and outs of the payment processing industry. We understand merchant services can be a confusing space for new businesses (and old companies too!). So please continue reading for an insightful blog on the industries we serve best.

Top Content

Reviewing our top content is the best place to begin when navigating business ownership for high risk, mid risk, and low risk businesses. Here, we strive to inform and give you the tools to grow your business- No matter if you’re a small company or a large enterprise.

What Is a High-Risk Merchant Account?

Top 10 Online Shopping Cart Solutions

How to Get the Cheapest Credit Card Processing & Lower Fees

Using Venmo for Business: Is It a Good Idea?

What is an FFL and How Can You Get a Federal Firearm License?

The Complete List of ACH Return Codes



Where To Start

Still figuring out where to start? We can help. If you’re just beginning a business, you may be wondering how to set yourself up for success. Well, we have tailored information to help you with your business plan, marketing initiatives, and go to market strategy.

What Are Merchant Services?

How to Accept Payments

What Is a Merchant Account?

Which Credit Card Reader is Right For You?

The Ultimate Guide to eCheck Payment Processing

How to Start a Business in 2024: 12 Steps to Success



Stripe Connect Alternatives: Top Competitors and Options

These days, there are plenty of viable Stripe Connect alternatives for your business, especially as the eCommerce space has grown. With estimates suggesting that annual…

A business owner holding a credit card in front of a laptop, excited to choose a Stripe Connect Alternative.

No-Fee Credit Card Processing: A Complete Business Guide

Every business owner who accepts card payments has to deal with processing fees at one point or another. However, an unwanted abundance of credit card…

customer paying with credit card at restaurant

ACH SEC Codes: The Complete List

One of the sections of financial lingo among the jargon of the industry that's quite literally just a wall of codes is the SEC code…

A document with an SEC code.

Cash App Payment Pending: What Does This Message Mean for Your Business?

While Cash App payment processing is generally simple and streamlined, issues occasionally arise, such as your Cash App payment pending. If a Cash App payment…

Hands are holding a credit card next to a cellphone, while a cash app payment is pending.

Dual Pricing Explained: Pros, Cons, Considerations & More

To better understand the benefits of dual pricing, it's essential to understand the current state of payment processing. The cost of processing credit card payments…

A man taking out cash from his wallet at a store that offers dual pricing.

eCommerce Payment Processing: A Complete Merchant Guide for 2025

As time goes on, the growth of eCommerce has far exceeded what was initially thought possible. Nearly 20% of all retail sales happen online in…

A phone and a credit card being used with eCommerce payment processing.

Lightspeed vs Shopify: Which Comprehensive Solution Wins?

While many eCommerce retailers conduct their business entirely online, some may find that they also must accommodate physical sales. In these instances, finding a solution…

Shopping carts travelling at the speed of light

Helcim Review 2025: Features, Pricing, Alternatives, and More

As far as merchant services providers go, Helcim merchant services offer fair and transparent pricing and include a lot of useful features. If you are…

A sleek, modern payment terminal with colorful buttons and a bright display, set against a vibrant background, symbolizing innovative payment processing.

Payanywhere Review for 2025: Features, Costs, and More

In the fast-paced world of commerce, businesses rely on efficient payment processing solutions to ensure a seamless cash flow. Payanywhere emerges as a contender, offering…

Hands using a phone with Payanywhere.

Banned Ingredients that Will Get Your Business Rejected by Payment Processors

Under the Dietary Supplement and Education Act of 1994, firms that manufacture and distribute dietary supplements and ingredients must evaluate their own products to ensure…

A laboratory beaker filled with a bubbling orange and blue liquid, emitting thick blue smoke. The beaker has a sad face drawn on it, symbolizing a failed or dangerous chemical reaction. The background is blurred, showing a laboratory setting.
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