Credit Card Processing

Stripe Test Credit Card Numbers: Comprehensive List for 2025

Someone holding silver striped credit cards, colorful background.
A man reviewing his stripe test cards and credit reports.

More than 1.1 million eCommerce websites use Stripe worldwide, with many employing Stripe test cards to guarantee uninterrupted transactions. [1]Finmasters. “15+ Stripe Statistics for 2023: Revenue, Market Share & Users”. Accessed on December 1, 2023. If your business relies on a Stripe gateway for payment processing, ensuring its continued reliability is pertinent.

While Stripe is a popular payment service provider (PSP), it allows its merchants to test payment gateway functionality using Stripe test credit card numbers. These test numbers allow merchants to test various payment gateway functions without using real card details. In addition to offering test credit card numbers for all major card brands, Stripe has test numbers for declined transactions, fraud prevention functions, and more.

This guide explores Stripe test credit card numbers, how they’re used, and which numbers your business should use to test various scenarios. Read ahead to learn how to test your Stripe payment gateway!

Understanding Stripe Test Cards: What Are They Used For?

Stripe test cards are utilized to examine various transactions and payment gateway functions. Let’s delve into the most common scenarios where Stripe test cards are used:

  • Standard Transactions: Merchants can test standard US-based transactions. Stripe provides test card numbers for all leading card brands.
  • International Transactions: Merchants can simulate international transactions from a multitude of countries, ensuring their payment gateway accommodates overseas clients.
  • Declined Transactions: Merchants can test declined transactions, such as “lost card” declines or “stolen card” declines.
  • Fraud Prevention: Merchants can test Stripe fraud prevention tools, such as Stripe Radar. It’s possible to run tests ensuring a gateway blocks charges from incorrect addresses, CVCs, etc. Considering friendly fraud increases by 41% every two years, it’s critical to make sure your fraud prevention tools are functioning correctly.[2]Expert Market. “Chargeback Fraud Statistics: Everything You Need to Know About Chargeback Fraud“. Accessed on December 1, 2023.

While there are test numbers for various transaction types on Stripe, this blog post will specifically center on Stripe test credit card numbers.

List of Stripe Test Card Numbers

Using the correct Stripe test card numbers is essential if you want your test to be valid. Below, let’s explore the various test card numbers offered by Stripe.

US Stripe Test Credit Cards

Card BrandCard NumberCard CVCCard Expiration Date
Visa4242 4242 4242 4242Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
Visa (Debit)4000 0566 5566 5556Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
Mastercard5555 5555 5555 4444Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
Mastercard (2-series)2223 0031 2200 3222Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
Mastercard (Debit)5200 8282 8282 8210Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
Mastercard (Prepaid)5105 1051 0510 5100Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
American Express3782 822463 10005Any Four DigitsAny Future Date
American Express3714 496353 98431Any Four DigitsAny Future Date
Discover6011 1111 1111 1117Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
Discover6011 0009 9013 9424Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
Discover (Debit)6011 9811 1111 1113Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
Diners Club3056 9300 0902 0004Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
Diners Club (14-digit card)3622 720627 1667Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
BCcard and DinaCard6555 9000 0060 4105Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
JCB3566 0020 2036 0505Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
UnionPay6200 0000 0000 0005Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
UnionPay (Debit)6200 0000 0000 0047Any Three DigitsAny Future Date
UnionPay (19-Digit Card)6205 5000 0000 0000 004Any Three DigitsAny Future Date

Other American Test Credit Cards

CountryCard NumberCard Brand
Argentina4000 0003 2000 0021Visa
Brazil4000 0007 6000 0002Visa
Canada 4000 0012 4000 0000Visa
Mexico4000 0048 4000 8001Visa

Stripe European Test Credit Cards

CountryCard NumberCard Brand
Austria4000 0004 0000 0008Visa
Belgium4000 0005 6000 0004Visa
Bulgaria4000 0010 0000 0000Visa
Belarus4000 0011 2000 0005Visa
Croatia4000 0019 1000 0009Visa
Cyprus4000 0019 6000 0008Visa
Czech Republic4000 0020 3000 0002Visa
Denmark4000 0020 8000 0001Visa
Estonia4000 0023 3000 0009Visa
Finland4000 0024 6000 0001Visa
France4000 0025 0000 0003Visa
Germany4000 0027 6000 0016Visa
Gibraltar4000 0029 2000 0005Visa
Greece4000 0030 0000 0030Visa
Hungary4000 0034 8000 0005Visa
Ireland4000 0037 2000 0005Visa
Italy4000 0038 0000 0008Visa
Latvia4000 0042 8000 0005Visa
Liechtenstein4000 0043 8000 0004Visa
Lithuania4000 0044 0000 0000Visa
Luxembourg4000 0044 2000 0006Visa
Malta4000 0047 0000 0007Visa
Netherlands4000 0052 8000 0002Visa
Norway4000 0057 8000 0007Visa
Poland4000 0061 6000 0005Visa
Portugal4000 0062 0000 0007Visa
Romania4000 0064 2000 0001Visa
Slovenia4000 0070 5000 0006Visa
Slovakia4000 0070 3000 0001Visa
Spain4000 0072 4000 0007Visa
Sweden4000 0075 2000 0008Visa
Switzerland4000 0075 6000 0009Visa
United Kingdom4000 0082 6000 0000Visa
United Kingdom4000 0582 6000 0005Visa (Debit)
United Kingdom5555 5582 6555 4449Mastercard

Stripe Asian/Pacific Test Credit Cards

CountryCard NumberCard Brand
Australia4000 0003 6000 0006Visa
China4000 0015 6000 0002Visa
Hong Kong4000 0034 4000 0004Visa
India4000 0035 6000 0008Visa
Japan4000 0039 2000 0003Visa
Japan3530 1113 3330 0000JCB
Malaysia4000 0045 8000 0002Visa
New Zealand4000 0055 4000 0008Visa
Singapore4000 0070 2000 0003Visa
Thailand4000 0076 4000 0003Visa (Credit)
Thailand4000 0576 4000 0008Visa (Debit)

Stripe Test Card Numbers for Declined and Fraud Prevention Errors

Declined Transactions:

Declined Transaction DescriptionCard NumberError Code Decline Code
Generic decline4000 0000 0000 0002card_declinedgeneric_decline
Insufficient funds decline4000 0000 0000 9995card_declinedinsufficient_funds
Lost card decline4000 0000 0000 9987card_declinedlost_card
Stolen card decline4000 0000 0000 9979card_declinedstolen_card
Expired card decline4000 0000 0000 0069expired_cardn/a
Incorrect CVC decline4000 0000 0000 0127incorrect_cvcn/a
Processing error decline4000 0000 0000 0119processing_errorn/a
Incorrect number decline4242 4242 4242 4241incorrect_numbern/a
Decline after attaching4000 0000 0000 0341charging attempts fail

Fraud Prevention:

Fraud Prevention Description Card Number Details
Always blocked4100 0000 0000 0019 -The charge is the highest possible risk
-Radar will always block this charge
Highest risk4000 0000 0000 4954-The charge is the highest possible risk
-Radar might block this charge depending on your Stripe settings
Elevated risk4000 0000 0000 9235-The charge is an “elevated” risk level
-For merchants using Radar for Fraud Teams, this transaction may be queued for review
CVC check fails4000 0000 0000 0101-A failed CVC check
-Radar might block this charge depending on your Stripe settings
Postal code check fails4000 0000 0000 0036-A failed postal code check
-Radar might block this charge depending on your Stripe settings
Line check fails4000 0000 0000 0028-A failed address line check
-The payment will be successful unless you set a custom Radar rule in your settings
Address check fails4000 0000 0000 0010-Both the address postal code check and address line 1 check fail
-Radar might block this charge depending on your Stripe settings
Address unavailable4000 0000 0000 0044-Neither address postal code check nor address 1 line check are available
-The payment will be successful unless you set a custom Radar rule in your settings

How to Enable Test Mode in Stripe

Stripe’s test mode makes it possible to test your payment gateway without using actual credit card details. To use Stripe’s test card numbers, your account must be in test mode, not live mode. To enter test mode, simply log into your business’s Stripe account, click settings, and enable test mode.

If using Stripe’s test card numbers sounds overly technical, you’re not far off. While Stripe’s test card numbers are useful for testing payment gateway integrations, the entire test process is complex for individuals with limited technical experience.

So if you’re seeking a simpler solution, consider securing a merchant account. With it, a dedicated account manager will verify that your payment gateway is secure and runs smoothly before you begin processing credit cards.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you use a Stripe test card in live mode?

No, you cannot use a Stripe test card in live mode. As Stripe test cards are not valid credit cards, they won’t work when your Stripe payment gateway is in live mode. Perform all testing in test mode.

What is test mode within Stripe?

A test mode creates an environment in which Stripe merchants can test a payment gateway before making it “live.” Test mode ensures merchants can test all primary functions, such as payments, address verification, and more. It’s an excellent resource for providing a payment gateway code that works correctly before launch.

Why should I test with multiple cards?

Testing multiple cards and transaction scenarios, such as declined transactions, is essential to ensure your payment gateway functions correctly. With the average American having 3.84 credit cards, merchants must expect payments from a wide range of credit and debit cards.[3]Fortune. “Americans carry 4 credit cards on average. Here’s how many you should have, according to the experts“. Accessed on December 1, 2023. Likewise, as fraud continues to be a major issue for online merchants, testing fraud prevention tools is very important.

Article Sources

  1. Finmasters. “15+ Stripe Statistics for 2023: Revenue, Market Share & Users”. Accessed on December 1, 2023.
  2. Expert Market. “Chargeback Fraud Statistics: Everything You Need to Know About Chargeback Fraud“. Accessed on December 1, 2023.
  3. Fortune. “Americans carry 4 credit cards on average. Here’s how many you should have, according to the experts“. Accessed on December 1, 2023.

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