Before reviewing the meaning of an ACH return code R14, you need to understand how ACH processing works. ACH deliveries have taken over payment processing, as they give customers a convenient means for paying bills. They also allow employees to receive direct deposits from employers.
The Automated Clearing House

To ensure that your company’s automated clearing house (ACH) procedure is always operational, it helps to know some of the return codes for ACH transactions. Over 80 ACH codes are listed by NACHA (National Automated Clearing House Association) for regulating ACH payments.
Therefore, it’s a good idea to become familiar with some of the 80 ACH return codes. ACH return code R14 is one of the messages that may emerge. It is also necessary to learn more about how ACH payment transactions work.
For companies in the United States, the ACH system allows them to move money conveniently between financial institutions. When the ACH network cannot transact a transfer, an ACH code is produced. The code identifies the reason that caused the stop payment transaction.
To handle processing problems, you also need to know how ODFi and RDFI function when receiving codes, such as an R14 ACH return code, and how they work together. Knowing the concept behind these acronyms will help you see how an origination of an ACH transaction begins as well as why payments may be returned.
ODFI is an abbreviation for Originating Depository Financial Institution. To transfer money from one account to the next, the ODFI acts on behalf of the originator and enters into an arrangement with an ACH operator, such as the Clearing House. Most U.S. financial institutions have been approved by the ODFI to process ACH money transfers. Additionally, payment processors and payment gateways also have ODFI status.
An RDFI is an acronym that stands for Receiving Depository Financial Institution, which refers to the bank that is debited (charged) or credited for completing an online transaction. To allow consumer payments, banks and third-party payers must be registered as RDFIs.
What Does ACH Return Code R14 Mean?
An ACH return code R14 means the representative payee is deceased. The payee is the recipient of an electronic check, or the individual to whom the money is sent. In traditional check transactions, the payee is the person to whom the check is made payable.
Formal Definition
If you receive an ACH return code R14, the error code formally explains a representative payee died or that they cannot continue in that role. The representative payee is a person or institution sanctioned to accept entries on behalf of one or more people, such as minors (children up to 18 years old) or a legally incapacitated adult or adults.
Solutions to Fix an R14 Return Code
To manage an ACH R14 return code when accepting ACH payments, you need to respond immediately, as processing takes several banking days once an entry is resubmitted. Because the payee can no longer accept payments, you need to contact the remitter (payer) to find out how they wish to proceed.