Check Processing

Are you looking to process checks, eChecks, and direct debits through your merchant account? Look no further! More than ever, businesses are looking to expand the types of payments they offer. And as we increasingly move toward a cashless and contactless world, businesses are looking for check processing solutions that will keep them ahead of the curve.


Whether you’re wondering if eCheck is safe, looking to accept ACH payments, or browsing for B2B solutions, find the resources you need to navigate check processing. Let this type of digital payment expand your business at any stage.

Most Recent Check Processing Articles

R12 ACH Return Code: Branch Sold to Another DFI

Did you receive an ACH return code r12? Knowing how to use ACH return codes will help your company function successfully. If an ACH payment…

ach return code r12

R11 ACH Return Code: Check Truncation Entry Return

Did you receive an ACH return code R11? This article will explain what this return code means and how to solve it. The return codes…

R10 ACH Return Code: Customer Advises Improper Transaction

If you process ACH payments for your business, you may eventually come across ACH return code R10. Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments allow businesses in the…

r10 ach return code

R07 ACH Return Code: Authorization Revoked by Customer

Return codes appear when the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment has been unsuccessful. In the case of a return code, the transfer was not approved,…

money on fish hook revoked by customer

R09 ACH Return Code: Uncollected Funds

If you process ACH payments, you may eventually come across an R09 ACH return code. ACH return codes help businesses and customers understand why an…

ach return code r09

R08 ACH Return Code: Payment Stopped

What is Return Code R08? Worldwide, businesses have been increasingly turning to digital payment solutions for transactions. Whether used for B2C or B2B payment processing,…

ACH return code r08 stopped payments

R06 ACH Return Code: Returned per ODFI's Request

If you process ACH payments, you may eventually come across ACH return code R06. Electronic transfers from one bank to another have become a common…

A locked bank building with heavy chains wrapped around its columns, symbolizing restricted access or a financial hold.

R05 ACH Return Code: Unauthorized Debit to Consumer

If you accept ACH payments, you may eventually come across ACH return code 05. ACH Accepting ACH payments is a relatively smooth and affordable way…

return code 05

R04 ACH Return Code: Invalid Account Number

If you process ACH payments, you may eventually come across ACH Return Code R04. Every payment system has an order of checks and balances that…

ach return code r04

R03 ACH Return Code: Unable to Locate or No Account

If you process ACH payments, you may eventually come across an R03 ACH return code. An Automated Clearing House (ACH) return code is a message…

ach return code r03
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