Marketing & SEO

Remarketing: Your Tool to Re-Capturing Your Audience


Using the power of artificial intelligence, remarketing is one of the most powerful methods to boost conversion rates in marketing today. Why? Because a visitor receives a customized, almost personalized message that is highly relevant to them and compels them to take action. As a business owner, you know that conversions lead to revenue, which generates profit. All you need are the tools to make this method work for your business. Luckily, there are platforms like Google Remarketing and others that simplify this process for you. Read on to find out more about what remarketing is, remarketing vs. retargeting, and how to apply this information to your business to convert more customers.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing is the practice of marketing to users who have viewed your website or interacted with your brand without making a purchase. Another way of looking at is remarketing is content in the form of ads or automated emails. Both of these marketing devices are sent to a user after they leave a website without completing the desired conversion.

google remarketing

The idea of remarketing is based on the fact that many users on your website do not leave because they are not interested in buying. Often, a visitor runs out of time to buy an item, becomes distracted, decides to research competitors, etc.

Therefore, remarketing provides your business with the opportunity to reach out to potential clients several times after they have visited your website. This tactic also provides consumers with value and incentives to motivate them to purchase.

Google remarketing

There are several ways to remarket, but Google remarketing is one specific method we will dig deep into. With Google remarketing, Google Ads technology is utilized to follow a visitor from your site to another. This is done by using a code snippet that adds them to a remarketing list. As soon as they visit another website, Google serves your relevant ads to entice them to come back to your webpage and complete their purchase.

In order to implement this into your business, you will need to open up a google ads account and create various campaigns that utilize remarketing ads. The content should be customized to each audience list you have obtained and compel them to come back to your site and execute an action. You will assign a budget to your campaign, implement a remarketing code snippet on your website, and monitor the data from there.

Remarketing vs. Retargeting

The terms “remarketing” and “retargeting” are used interchangeably on the Internet. However, there are a few differences between the two. Remarketing is often the term used to describe re-engaging a visitor or previous customer for any method. On the other hand, retargeting is associated with paid advertising such as Google Ads (PPC), for example.

Now that you know how to differentiate remarketing vs. retargeting, let’s dive into what this powerful tool can do for your business.

The Advantages of Remarketing

Personalized suggestions result in purchases, especially among young consumers. The fact is, conversion rates significantly increase with Google remarketing. This means more revenue and thus more profits for business owners.

Re-capturing your audience’s attention

According to Business Insider, 97% of first-time visitors to a site leave without ever making a purchase. With Google remarketing, your customized ads can remind the visitor to come back to your site and take another look at that item they were interested in. It can offer a promotion to entice them further and make them take action. With so many distractions in today’s world, this is a proven and effective marketing method.

Cost-effective marketing tactic

In general, Google remarketing ads cost much less than traditional paid ads. In fact, remarketing saves companies $32 more per 1,000 views compared to search ads. If you’re looking to convert more customers without paying to find new ones or swallowing your marketing budget, remarketing is a viable solution.

More effective results

As mentioned earlier, these types of ads lead to more clicks. According to a study conducted by Mailchimp, a retargeted ad has a click-through rate of 0.7% while a search ad has only 0.07%. Why is this important? Statistics show each click-through leads to a 70% chance the visitor will purchase an item and convert it into a customer.

Customizable approach

Remarketing ads allow you to segment customers into lists, target them based on what device they are using, their country, language and etc. All of this helps deliver a resoundingly relevant ad to your target audience at the perfect moment. This leads to increased opportunities for success.

How to Optimize Your Remarketing

Make the most of your remarketing campaign. To do this, there are two very important steps you can take to boost your chances of success.

Landing pages

remarketing vs retargeting

By using a landing page, you can free your visitors from distraction and give them space to read all about your offer. Landing page messaging should clearly state what to do next and the benefits. This also provides you with valuable data as you can track the landing page interactions. You can use these metrics to further strengthen and refine the page to drive more conversions.


Your ad should look appealing and truly make an impact. Make sure to use the following tips to really give your ads a competitive edge:

  • A strong call to action. It simply isn’t enough to write some personalized copy. You need to direct users and provide them with a clear message of what action to take next.
  • Compelling headlines. A weak headline will not lead to clicks. To improve your click-through rate, consider offering a discount, offering a value-added bonus, or simply using an emotional appeal to remind them of the problem or benefit of your offering.
  • Stimulating images. A picture is worth a thousand words. A high-quality image reminding a visitor of the benefits of the product or service they saw can be quite powerful.
  • Vibrant colors. Any graphics or imagery should be bright and use strong colors. Contrast is also a key design element. Make sure that you use colors that provoke a positive feeling and harness the power of color psychology.

You want your ad to command user attention and remind them of the value your product or service can deliver.

Google Remarketing is Here to Stay

Remarketing is not only great at driving higher results but it is very cost-efficient as you are working with warm leads. As you now know, this type of retargeting has a much higher rate of success compared to traditional paid search advertising. For one thing, users are already familiar with your brand, have visited your site, and viewed what you have to offer.

If you’re considering implementing remarketing in your advertising strategy, don’t wait any longer. An easy step is to sign up for Google Ads if you haven’t already and begin creating campaigns that will send personalized content to your visitors and turn them into customers.

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