Marketing & SEO

5 Foolproof Ways to Increase Website Traffic

increase website traffic

If you already created and launched your business website, then learning to increase website traffic for your eCommerce site is the next major step growing your business. Unfortunately, simply having a website or an online store for your business isn’t enough to reach the sales goals you want anymore. In today’s world, you need to find ways to increase website traffic in order to find the right customer base for you and grow your business. driving traffic to websites isn’t always so straightforward

Selling your products and services online is not only integral if you have an online business, it’s also an additional channel for your retail store to attract new customers. There’s never been a higher demand for driving traffic to websites, as eCommerce sales are up over thirty percent and there’s no indication of this trend slowing down. Fortunately for business owners like yourself, there are many different ways to increase your website traffic. We’ve outlined five of the best strategies to get traffic to your website. Let’s get started!

Why is Driving Traffic to Websites Important?

So has your sales been steadily increasing with the status quo? That’s great news! There are still many valuable reasons why you should implement strategies to increase website traffic.

Increases conversions

increase website traffic

Conversions are the measurement between your web traffic and the number of visitors who complete the desired task. For example, it could be how many people bought a product or submitted their contact information. Your traffic and conversion work hand in hand with one another. You can’t have conversions without having traffic and vice versa.

Creating strategies to increase website traffic is largely about getting your business in front of your target audience. As a result, this should increase or optimize your conversions. Which in other words means that the more conversions you have, the more money your business makes!

Exposure for your brand

With a retail location, your brand is limited to the local area for the most part. An online store that doesn’t drive traffic to the website also has limited brand exposure when no one knows about it. When you drive traffic to your website, your products and services will reach more people who are likely to spend money on what you offer. But they have to know about your business to consider it in the first place.

Builds rapport with customers

Many of the methods to help increase web traffic will also build a stronger relationship with your customers. There’s a human element in using tools like social media that improves your business’s credibility and trust. Consider the use of social media platforms to build great content that drives traffic to the source.

How to Get Traffic to Your Website

There are two ways you can accomplish driving traffic to websites: paid methods and organic methods. It’s important to understand both because you’ll more than likely do a bit of each to increase your website traffic.

Paid methods

Any method you must pay for to increase website traffic is a form of paid advertising. There are several different categories within this that can be used to achieve this goal including:

  • Pay per click (PPC): With this method, your ad is displayed and you pay a fee for each time it’s clicked on a website or search engine (i.e., ads at the top of Google search results)
  • Pay per impression (PPI): You’re charged a fee every time your ad appears, regardless of whether or not someone clicks the ad
  • Display ads: Also known as a banner ad, it’s an image/photo with copy that viewers can click on to be taken to a landing page or website

Organic methods

Methods that you don’t pay for are called organic ways to increase website traffic. In fact, organic search accounts for more than half of all traffic on the web. Using organic methods is ideal of course because it doesn’t cost anything. However, it takes time and a very strategic approach to do it effectively. It involves activities like website optimization, ranking on the right keywords, and improving content. Driving traffic to websites by improving your organic click through rate will have lasting effects on your success.

5 Ways to Increase Website Traffic

Now let’s dive into how to get traffic to your website with the five most effective tools you can use. While you don’t necessarily have to use them all, there’s no reason not to try at least a few. Employ a blend of paid and organic methods for the best results.

1. Invest in advertising

The old ways of advertising through billboards or the newspaper aren’t relevant in this digital age. Google owns 92.16% of the global search engine market share. That sounds like a great place to start. Using Google Ads, you can advertise your business to people that are searching for your products and services. Your paid search ads can appear to users on both Google and YouTube.

Search ads, Google Display Network, and YouTube ads are the three easy your ads can work with web browsers. There is some complexity to this platform as you could potentially spend a lot of money driving the wrong audience. So if you plan to these this tactic, consider hiring a professional or do research.

2. Utilize social media

Word-of-mouth on social media can spread more rapidly than by physical means. To use paid social media effectively, your campaigns must be highly targeted. The ads must reach the customers who are likely to click on the ad and make a purchase. Facebook and Instagram are the obvious frontrunners to advertise on, and it’s never been easier to make money on Pinterest. Choose the platform(s) that make the most sense for your business.

3. Increase on-page SEO

Search engine optimization is the process of making a website more efficient so that increases the likelihood that it will rank high in search results. Increasing your on-page SEO is multifaceted, involving crafting your pages so that it answers the questions your searchers are asking. The goal is to always increase website traffic through on-page results. Here are a few ways to do this:

  • Conduct keyword research and apply it to your content
  • Remove low-value tactics like thin or duplicate content
  • Strategic keyword stuffing throughout the page
  • Improving your website’s crawlability through its internal linking structure

4. Try guest blogging

Guest blogging can help increase website traffic by generating more authority, qualified links, and potential sales to your business. It’s a long-term strategy so don’t expect results immediately. Your blog posts should offer unique insights that will interest readers, be written in an SEO-friendly manner, and use a strong call to action at the end.

5. Collaborate with influencers

how to get traffic to your website

Influencer marking is a relatively new channel that has recently grown in popularity. You’re leveraging relationships with influencers to get your business in front of their audience. Find influencers that are relevant to your business so that it’s more likely to reach the right consumers. They should be the right brand fit for your business and also have good engagement rates on their posts. Engagement rates of 2 to 3 percent with several comments on their posts are the most ideal. By learning how to work with online influencers, your strategy to increase website traffic to your business is well on its way.

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