Check Processing

Are you looking to process checks, eChecks, and direct debits through your merchant account? Look no further! More than ever, businesses are looking to expand the types of payments they offer. And as we increasingly move toward a cashless and contactless world, businesses are looking for check processing solutions that will keep them ahead of the curve.


Whether you’re wondering if eCheck is safe, looking to accept ACH payments, or browsing for B2B solutions, find the resources you need to navigate check processing. Let this type of digital payment expand your business at any stage.

Most Recent Check Processing Articles

R02 ACH Return Code: Account Closed

If you process ACH payments for your business, you may eventually come across ACH return code R02. ACH payments allow the movement of money from…

A worn blue piggy bank with a

R01 ACH Return Code: Insufficient Funds

If you process ACH payments and one gets returned, you may come across the return code R01. A return code means that, for one reason…

ach r01

How to Navigate ACH Reversal Rules

If your business processes ACH payments, it's important to understand how to navigate the ACH reversal rules. The Automated Clearing House (ACH) is a network…

Boxes with checkmarks to show how to navigate ACH reversal rules.

ACH vs Wire Transfer: Is There a Difference?

Whether you're a business owner or a consumer, the process of transferring money can be frustrating and expensive. Fortunately, there are multiple platforms available for…

Hand holding a smartphone displaying a dollar sign on an orange background.

ACH vs EFT: Is There a Difference?

If you're interested in processing electronic payments, you may be wondering about the differences between ACH vs EFT. The truth of the matter is electronic…

A group of five nesting dolls wrapped in blue, orange, checks, and U.S. dollar bill patterns, set against a bright yellow background.

ACH Fees: The Costs Behind Check Processing

If you use payment processing services, you need to find out more about automated clearing house fees or ACH fees. These charges are minimal as…

a dollar bill flying from a bank across to another bank

What are EFT Payments? Everything You Need to Know

EFT payments have revolutionized the way people pay for things. While we regularly use EFT payments for making deposits, receiving payments, or for direct deposits,…

eft payment

RDFI and ODFI: What's the Difference?

If your business processes checks, you may come across the terms RDFI and ODFI. These are entities that process payments like checks and debit transactions.…

A person holding a clipboard taking inventory of money, guarding a bank vault.

ACH vs eChecks: What is the Difference?

When it comes to online payment processing, people often use the terms eCheck and ACH interchangeably. Realistically, it's easy to think eCheck is the same…

ach echeck differences

ACH Return Codes: The Complete List

ACH return codes are a reality if you rely on ACH payment processing to accept customer transactions. While a convenient way to pay, on occasion,…

A high-speed shredder ejecting a flurry of paper checks
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