Check Processing

R73 ACH Return Code: Timely Original Return

Alarm showing timely original return code

If you’re a business owner who accepts ACH payments in today’s market, you may have run into return code R73. ACH payments are undoubtedly one of the more practiced payment methods today. About 7.6 billion payments were processed just in the third quarter of 2022. While processing ACH payments, you may encounter errors that can either cancel a transaction or return it back to the original cardholder. ACH return codes are generated when transactions are returned. This can be helpful to both merchants and customers because it provides reasons for why each error occurred.

Three credit cards and two coins.

The National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) oversees and regulates the entire ACH network. Within the ACH network, there are several different types of electronic fund transfers (ETF), ACH payments being one of them. ACH payments are virtual transactions that transfer funds between the Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI) and the Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI). These ODFI and RDFI transfers occur with payment methods like eChecks, wire transfers, direct deposits, ATMs, and more. EChecks operate most similarly to ACH payments. The main difference between the two is that ACH transactions typically have lower fees than eChecks.

An ACH return code can occur if you accept a transaction and the funds don’t transfer into your account. In this case, a return code will appear with an explanation of why the transaction didn’t complete. Usually, you can resolve return codes by following the correct steps put in place by your financial institution. In this article, we’ll uncover what ACH return code R73 means, its formal definition, and how to fix the error. Let’s jump in!

What Does ACH Return Code R73 Mean?

ACH return code R73 simply means that the RDFI is in the process of confirming that the original return of a transaction was sent within the ACH reversal rules specified timeframe.

Note: You cannot use R73 for International ACH Transactions (IAT).

A blue document neatly files data.

Formal definition

Formally, we define the R73 Return Code — Timely Original Return as:

The RDFI is certifying that the original Return entry was sent within the time frame designated by the rules.

Solutions to Fix R73 Return Code

When encountering the R73 return code, you should contact the RDFI and ask the reason for the delayed transaction. Since this code goes through a confirmation process, there are two possible outcomes. One: the transaction will eventually transmit if sent within the rules’ established timeframe. The second is that the transaction won’t process, and you’ll likely receive return code R68, which indicates an untimely return. If you receive R68, it can also be fixed by contacting the RDFI. First, call the RDFI’s ACH operations group. Ask if they can reverse the return based on the information provided to them. You’ll need to make sure you initiate a new return within the specified timeframe to receive the funds and continue processing ACH transactions.

A check in a cloud to represent ACH return code R73.

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