
Is your business suffering from an influx of chargebacks? While they’re a common side effect of running a business, chargebacks can have devastating results when it comes to credit card processing and keeping your merchant account.

This is precisely why it’s vital to understand what a chargeback is, the effect it has on your business, and how you can eliminate the risk of chargebacks in the future. Here you’ll find the resources you need to stop chargebacks from negatively affecting your business.

Most Recent Chargebacks Articles

What is a Pre-Authorization Charge? Tips You Need to Know

To understand how a pre-authorization charge can help your business mitigate financial loss, it's essential first to understand the current payment climate. With more than…

Customer using credit card for online payments

Visa's Monitoring Programs: An Essential Guide to VDMP & VFMP

Chargebacks and fraud pose significant challenges for merchants worldwide. However, Visa, a major card network, offers the Visa Dispute Monitoring Program (VDMP) and the Visa…

A judge refuses a credit card due to the Visa Chargeback Monitoring Program.

Can You Dispute A Zelle Payment? Understanding Zelle Chargebacks

While Zelle’s popularity has skyrocketed to place it up with the top peer-to-peer payment providers for businesses, it doesn’t come without its flaws. One of…

A customer disputing a zelle payment in front of a yellow background.

Statement Descriptors: Definition, Types, Examples & More

Statement descriptors are a bigger deal than you may think. They can give your customers more clarity as far as purchases they've made and can…

a Merchant descriptor on online bank statement

Stripe Chargeback Protection: How to Handle Stripe Disputes

Stripe is a popular payment facilitator among many merchants, and for good reason. It provides a Stripe chargeback protection program designed to help merchants safeguard…

A life preserver floating in turbulent ocean waves

What Is a Payment Reversal & How Does It Affect Your Business?

If you currently own a business or are thinking of starting one, it's important you understand the payment reversal process. In this article, we touch…

A business owner holding their coffee and checking a payment reversal on their phone.

What Are Chargeback Representments? Tips for Merchants

The process of chargeback representments can help a business avoid lost revenue, exorbitant fees, and the complete loss of credit card processing capabilities. While receiving…

How to Prevent & Fight Chargebacks on PayPal: The Complete Guide

PayPal chargebacks can produce many challenges for merchants relying on this platform. While PayPal has an internal transaction dispute process, account holders paying with a…

A merchant at their table with a tablet ready to fight chargeback fees with paypal

How to Handle a Chargeback on Amazon

Most merchants selling on Amazon can agree that receiving an Amazon chargeback alert is a stressful experience. While Amazon is one of the most popular…

a guy wearing glasses and a blue beanie, holding a brown box and a phone in his other hand, confused and frustrated.

What Is Provisional Credit? Advantages and Disadvantages

Because it can take weeks, sometimes even months, for a final decision to be rendered in the event of a chargeback, issuing backs often supply…

fisherman fishing dollar bills
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