Short Term Business Loans

  • Quick Approval Times
  • Minimal Paperwork
  • No Collateral
  • Straightforward Structure
  • Workable Payment Plans
  • Multi-Loan Approval

I never thought I’d need financial assistance with my business but when I did I was met with compassion and understanding. Applying for a short term business loan was just the push my business needed in tough times.

Jennifer H.Business Owner
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Business term loans reimagined for your enterprise.

Short term small business loans help you get the funding you need to keep your business afloat. According to Forbes, 80% of small businesses survive their first year, but of that 80%, only half will remain open within the first five years. Why is that? The second most common reason cited is a lack of capital. Oftentimes, small business owners are not able to obtain the funds they need to continue operation from tier one banks. This can be because of a lack of business history or low credit score.

This is where short term business loans come in. Most large banks and financial institutions that offer business term loans have very stringent requirements that don't allow most small business owners to be approved. Short term small business loans were created to solve this problem.

Average funding time

24 hrs

Average Funding Time

Fundings Completed

200,000 +

Fundings Completed

Long-term Business Relationships

1,000 +

Long-term Business Relationships

Financing Secured

1.5 billion +

Financing Secured

What is a Short Term Small Business Loan?

A business term loan allows a business owner to receive a lump sum of capital to use for business purposes. The loan is repaid over a short period (18 months or less) compared to traditional term loans. Short term small business loans do not require a high business credit score or lengthy business history like big banks do.

Short term loan capital can be used for:

  1. Small equipment purchases
  2. Marketing and advertising
  3. Acquiring customers/leads
  4. Covering periods of cash flow shortages (especially for seasonal businesses)
  5. Inventory
  6. Supplies
  7. Company expansion
  8. Business emergencies
Funding new path

Requirements for a small business term loan

To qualify for a short term business loan, you must:

  1. Own a company that earns revenue
  2. Have good personal credit (ideally 600-680 or higher) or show sufficient cash flow
  3. Show bank statements with regular deposits and a solid daily balance
  4. For SBA-backed short term loans, you must own a business here in the U.S. and one must be current on any debts

Ask your lender for their qualification requirements, as each provider will have different needs

Types of Term Business Loans

There are a wide variety of short term business loan providers, but some of the most common products offered are:

Recently Funded Businesses



Working Capital


Restaurant Funding


Merchant Cash Advance


Business Funding

Apply for a Short Term Commercial Loan

It’s time to analyze your financial position. If you have tried the traditional loan route and have been denied by the bank, gather up any business documents from the loan application and submit them. It is important to have an experienced small business loan provider that understands your unique needs and circumstances. Start the journey to obtain the capital your business needs to survive with a short term loan.

Ready to get started?

If you’re ready to apply for the capital your business needs, fill out our application in as little as 5 minutes. Questions? Drop us a line and one of our trusted capital partners will help you determine whether a short term business loan is right for you.