Fantasy Sports Merchant Account

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Sports Betting Payment Processing

Because sports betting is so common, the business of sports betting services thrives. Nearly every game, big or small, is being bet on. This is why sports betting advice businesses have their place. In this business type, a knowledgeable sports betting consultant provides advice to persons looking to make bets in the hope that they can turn a profit when the advice is right. This is a service that can be used on a game to game basis, over a specific season, or throughout the year depending on the client’s taste.

The business of selling picks can be both profitable and satisfying for the owner. Find out how you can begin selling your advice with a sports betting credit card processor backing up your transactions.

Your Sports Handicapping Service Options

Once you’ve decided to open your own sports handicapping business, you’ll have to decide how to sell your picks. There are three common ways to do this:

  • Through a Subscription Service: Customers sign up for a subscription where they receive a certain amount of picks at a set cadence, usually weekly or monthly. Their subscription will automatically charge their credit card at this frequency.
  • In a Package: Customers can buy a package of picks and are charged a one-time fee. This can be a 3 month package or based on a certain number of games.
  • For an Individual Game: Customers buy one pick or one game and are charged for the individual pick.

Subscription-based services are a great way to earn a recurring income in a passive way but are considered high risk as an industry. Package and individual sales are also great, but much like subscription-based sales, they are done online or over the phone. This means that you are fully reliant on your ability to accept different payment types. To ensure the safety and security of processing these payments, you’ll want to work with a sports betting services merchant account. That way, you’ll know that your credit, debit and telephone payments are being processed in a safe and secure way.

Sports betting advice businesses are also vulnerable to unhappy customers, which can cause a high volume of chargebacks and fraudulent charges. When a business is highly vulnerable to chargebacks and fraudulent charges, banks are less likely to take on their business. The chargebacks and fraudulent charges can cost you a lot of money if you don’t know how to properly handle them. Even more, the nature of online businesses makes them vulnerable to data breaching and hacking. And, online businesses are hard to place. All of this combined is what deems selling picks as risky to banks and standard payment processors.

Your success as a business is reliant on your ability to accept payments without issues. While there will always be risks, one of the best ways to minimize risks is to mitigate potential hold-ups in payment processing through a high risk merchant account. This is especially true for your subscription-based customers, as any issues with payment processing can cause them to unsubscribe. That’s why you need a high risk payment processor like PaymentCloud to handle your sports handicapping business needs.

Finding A Sports Betting Credit Card Processor You Can Trust

Not only do you want a high risk payment processor, but you also want an innovative, easy-to-work-with, low-cost merchant account. PaymentCloud is that, and more. We specialize in the unique needs of sports betting advice companies. From enabling MOTO payments to ensuring you are notified of a chargeback before the bank is, we think of every way to mitigate risks and to allow you to focus on growing and scaling your business.

Our number one priority is to give you peace of mind in processing Payments. Here’s how you can be sure of that:

  • We offer free cost comparisons to show you where you could be saving money
  • You pay zero application and setup fees
  • Our rates are some of the lowest in the industry
  • We have a 98% approval rating with our banks

The Types of Sports Betting Services We Can Serve

  1. Sports handicapping services
  2. One-on-one sports betting consultants
  3. Fantasy football, baseball, and soccer picks
  4. Sports betting advice website
  5. Subscription sports betting podcasts
  6. Fantasy sports magazines and publications
  7. Draft boards, software, and apps
  8. And many more

Whether you are a niche business with a specific focus or a general sports betting advice company, we are ready and able to serve you.

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Ready To Get Started?

Create an account and start accepting payments almost instantly. Or contact us to design a custom package or your business.

Sports Handicapping Service Integrations

PaymentCloud is the best at payment processing for sports betting services because it can link up to the software and solutions that you already use. From consultants and analysts to subscription podcasts and websites, we can support all betting advice merchants out there. Allow us to integrate directly onto your site or provide you a virtual terminal to accept card payments over the phone so that you have a secure and affordable way to run your business.


Here’s What Our Merchants Say

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