PaymentCloud in the Community

Staying engaged for the greater good is important to our team. Find out what we are involved with outside of the office.
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Local Involvement

Our outreach program is devoted to helping our local community as well as associations nationwide. Through sponsorships, volunteer work, and participation in events, we hope to provide a helping hand to charities and organizations that are close to our heart. Working with these groups is not only fulfilling for them, but it allows our team members a way to find fulfillment in aspects other than work. We hope to provide opportunities that foster well-rounded individuals.

Local beach clean ups and food donations are just the tip of the iceberg of PaymentCloud’s involvement. Find out more about the organizations that are close to our heart and how we are excited to be a small part of the change that they are bringing about in the world.

Our very own CEO, Shawn Silver, volunteers at his local hockey rink to help young, hopeful children build character, work as a team, and make new friends as they learn the sport of ice hockey.

The Lil’ Kings Program is a treasured part of his life because of his love for the sport and his dedication to introducing it to new players.

A majority of the PaymentCloud staff took time out of their Saturday morning to walk, run, and bike for the Hydrocephalus Association at the 2019 LA Kings 5k/10k. It was a first for many, but it was too important of a cause to pass up.

PaymentCloud sponsored a hole at the Evan Easley Memorial Golf Tournament event in which 100% of donations went to help fund hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) treatment and research.

One of our team members took the trip out to Missouri to represent PaymentCloud and play a few rounds for a beloved family member that was directly affected by this terrible disease.

Each year thousands of young UCLA entrepreneurs submit pitches in the hopes of starting their own business or product. After the top 10 finalists are selected, they pitch again in front of a panel of local business owners and decision makers.

Well, in 2019, PaymentCloud held not one, but two positions on the panel and helped decide what lucky Bruin would win first prize.

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